Louisville Bankruptcy & Foreclosure Attorney

Finishing a Chapter 13 Plan and Getting a Complete Discharge

Without taking the debtor education class and filing the discharge form you are not finishing a Chapter 13 plan & getting a complete discharge. Once your plan payments are complete the debtor has to file and  request a discharge. Interestingly, the request for discharge is a simple one-page form that states the home address of the debtor and place of employment at the time the case closes. Each district might have a modification of the national form, so get this document from your attorney or the local court website. To get this discharge you simply have to take the second class and advise the court of your last address and job.

Finishing a Chapter 13 Plan And Getting a Complete Discharge

Finishing a Chapter 13 Plan And Getting a Complete DischargeThe major purpose of the form is to inform primary custodians where the ex-spouse is employed and resides so child support and alimony can be paid. Alimony and child support are sometimes caught up through Chapter 13. Normally alimony and child support are not affected or paid by the Bankruptcy court but it is possible to catch up alimony or child support full and pay unsecured creditors less. Bankruptcy court gives alimony and child support full priority over unsecured and even secured debts. Chapter 13 can be a tool of child support enforcement but it is rarely or almost never used.

⎆ Request for discharge form.

The request for discharge form is required along with the Debtor education certification to get the final discharge order in Chapter 13.

Ask yourself if you need the discharge. If your real purpose was just to save the home you may not need or want a discharge. You can only get a discharge every few years. If your bankruptcy was filed to manage student loans or foreclosure and you don’t need to discharge your mortgage or student loans why ask for the discharge? Asking for the discharge uses up a bankruptcy discharge which you may need later in life.

If you do need the discharge filling out this form takes only minutes. Your attorney can fill it. Here is a form for the Western District of Kentucky which should work in most other districts as well. PDF Format  Word Format

⎆ The debtor education class.

If you are shopping for a class I recommend you only use a place that automatically files the debtor education certification. Every year someone forgets to file the certification and it costs the debtor over $600 dollars because the certification files after the case is closed. Using the least expensive provider is a bad idea when it comes to filing the debtor education certificate.

The debtor education certification is only required if you wish to get the discharge. It is one to a two-hour class designed to teach budgeting to debtors. If your only debt or goal was to save the home from foreclosure then you may not need the debtor education class.

⎆ Finishing a Chapter 13 plan.

The final discharge is the permanent court order which protects the debtor personally from collections. This order is less powerful than the stay but it still can allow actual damages attorney fees and punitive damages if a creditor attempts collections after this order is entered. In our Circuit, it protects the debtor from even creditors who were not listed.

It takes a short time but the court will eventually issue the discharge at the completion of Chapter 13 if you file this one-page form and complete the education.

Remember the trustee has to send the request to you to file the request for discharge. You can file the Debtor Education certification early. You cannot file the request for discharge until the Chapter 13 trustee requests it. This is after you make the last payment. If you need further help getting this filed contact the attorney who filed your case. He should be happy to file the request for discharge. But again here is the fillable form. Remember this form must be filed in PDF format if it is filed electronically. PDF Format  Word Format

Resources for Bankruptcy

Louisville Kentucky Bankruptcy Forms

Child Support, Alimony and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy and Divorce in Louisville Kentucky

About the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act

Student Loan Bankruptcy Forms

If you are thinking about filing bankruptcy, don’t delay because timing is crucial. I am here to help you. So, contact my office right away to start the conversation. Nick C. Thompson, Bankruptcy Lawyer: 502-625-0905.

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