How Much Does it Cost to File Bankruptcy in Kentucky?

how much does it cost to file bankruptcy in kentucky

  The price to file for bankruptcy in Kentucky for Chapter 7 is $338, and for Chapter 13, it is $313. Still, the answer to this question becomes more nuanced if you decide whether to file for bankruptcy with an attorney or try to waive the filing fees. A person already finding it challenging to […]

Predatory & Unethical Bankruptcy & Foreclosure Practices

Predatory & Unethical Bankruptcy & Foreclosure Practices

Both before and after the mortgage collapse the home mortgage industry had problems with predatory and unethical bankruptcy and foreclosure practices. In Bankruptcy, debtors must file Chapter 13 if they can afford to repay some reasonable portion of their debt. However, a National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy (NACBA) study shows 97% of people qualify for […]

Nick C Thompson Louisville Bankruptcy & Foreclosure Defense Attorney

Nick C Thompson Louisville Bankruptcy & Foreclosure Defense Attorney

You should know who you are hiring for your bankruptcy. This is a short biography for Nick Thompson, Louisville Bankruptcy and Foreclosure Defense Attorney. My first job after college in 1974 was representing a lender in bankruptcy court. So, knowing how lenders operate and bankruptcy became one of my areas of expertise. Biography for Nick […]