Louisville Kentucky Panel Trustees in Western Bankruptcy Court

Louisville Kentucky Panel Trustees

The Purpose of Panel Trustees Louisville, Kentucky in Bankruptcy There are two very different Trustees in every bankruptcy case. The trustee is the only Panel Trustee in Louisville Kentucky and Western District that you will typically see during your case. The Chapter 7 panel trustee will conduct your 341 hearing and makes a report to […]

Bankruptcy and Divorce in Louisville Kentucky

Louisville Kentucky Bankruptcy and Divorce

Financial disasters often cause stress and disrespect which leads to bankruptcy and divorce. In fact, I get asked a lot of questions about the intricacies of bankruptcy and divorce in Louisville, Kentucky. People often file for divorce and then file for bankruptcy. However, people also reverse this order and first file bankruptcy and then divorce. […]

How to Qualify for Kentucky Medicaid and Still Protect Assets

Bankruptcy Attorney Fees and Costs in Louisville, Kentucky

Medicaid is supposed to be your last resort for medical services. So, if Medicare is not paying enough to pay for services then Medicaid will pay for medical services. However, you have to spend down assets first before using Medicaid. Unfortunately, in essence, Medicaid becomes just like a judgment creditor who can take your assets […]