Nick C Thompson Louisville Bankruptcy & Foreclosure Defense Attorney

Nick C Thompson Louisville Bankruptcy & Foreclosure Defense Attorney

You should know who you are hiring for your bankruptcy. This is a short biography for Nick Thompson, Louisville Bankruptcy and Foreclosure Defense Attorney. My first job after college in 1974 was representing a lender in bankruptcy court. So, knowing how lenders operate and bankruptcy became one of my areas of expertise. Biography for Nick […]

Bankruptcy and Divorce in Louisville Kentucky

Louisville Kentucky Bankruptcy and Divorce

Financial disasters often cause stress and disrespect which leads to bankruptcy and divorce. In fact, I get asked a lot of questions about the intricacies of bankruptcy and divorce in Louisville, Kentucky. People often file for divorce and then file for bankruptcy. However, people also reverse this order and first file bankruptcy and then divorce. […]

The Financial Benefits of Chapter 13 Bankruptcy • Video

Should I File Bankruptcy?

The most important benefit of Chapter 13 bankruptcy is that it allows you to catch up on a mortgage or auto loan. First, the temporary court order that stops collections is the stay. Then, the protection of the stay stops collections and lasts for 3-5 years. During that time, it allows debtors the ability to […]